Alternate Solution Reports
Bushfire Certifiers alternate solution reports are prepared when the development does not comply with the acceptable solutions of Planning for Bushfire Protection or AS 3959-2009.
Bushfire Certifiers can also provide alternate solutions to lower construction standards and help reduce the expense of bushfire protection measures.
AS 3959-2009 is a broad brush compliance document that generally does not recognise the specific nature of a potential bushfire hazard impacting your development. In many cases the requirements of AS 3959-2009 may be onerous which can result in a significant increase in construction costs, yield or limit your design and features that you feel are critical for the development.
During the site inspection Bushfire Certifiers can identify where an alternate solution will save you money in construction costs, allow additional construction materials e.g. timber; or increase development yield. In this regard, Bushfire Certifiers (trading under BCA Check Pty Ltd) BPAD-L3 Accredited practitioner can provide professional advice and alternate solutions.
Our services include liaison with the Rural Fire Service and local Councils.
Recent projects include re-zoning developments, subdivisions, alternate solutions for infill development, and special fire protection purpose development.